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It’s idiot-proof. If you can’t spell or say AFRAH right, LAB 27 is right around the corner. 
I’ve always liked 27th July, so celebrate the day yeah?
I’m attracted to men, I’m straight.
I have no respect for people who swear.
Manchester United, way to go reds!
I’m still quite normal, so I attend school.
- Chongfu Primary.
- Nan Chiau High.
• 1D’08
• 2D’09
- MOELC [arab].
• A1.11
• A2.10
If you’ve got issues with me, get back to the gutter from where you came from.
I’m popping with surprises, so hang in there. :D


  • Brendan
  • Cassandra
  • Claudia
  • Hamizah
  • Iffah
  • Jacqueline
  • Jasmine
  • Jerome
  • Jia Min
  • Jing Ting
  • Joanne
  • Lenise
  • Melissa
  • Rui Wen
  • Samuel
  • Timothy
  • Wei Xiang
  • Ying Xin
  • Juniors
  • Ada
  • Charlene
  • Cleone
  • Farah
  • Fernanda
  • Wan Xin
  • Christine
  • Classes
  • 6 Achieving07
  • 6 Caring 07
  • 6 Loyal 07
  • 6 Observant 07
  • 6 Respectful 07
  • 6 Sincere 07
  • 6 United 07
  • NCHS
  • Ang Yi Xuan
  • Benjamin
  • Bernice
  • Chiawee
  • Cindy
  • Claire
  • Clarine
  • Gina
  • Janelle
  • Jazin
  • Joyce
  • Kenn
  • Rachel
  • Tiffany
  • Travis
  • Yu Han
  • Wen Hui
  • Seniors
  • Geolin
  • Jaslin
  • T.Weiqi
  • XinYi
  • Teachers
  • Mr Jansen
  • Mr Lau
  • Mr Lin
  • Ms Samantha
  • Ms Tan
  • Mr Wang
  • Irfan
  • Ola
  • Syahirah
  • NPAP.
  • Azbakiah
  • Dionis
  • Hafizah
  • Jaymann
  • Joleen
  • Juzaidah
  • Qin Lin
  • Yi Sheng
  • Yong Qin
  • Vanessa
  • Weiling
  • others.
  • NPCC!
    Saturday, November 29, 2008

    Random shot I took when I was at a shopping mall in Malaysia. FYI, this was in the ladies.

    A few things happened todayyy. I'll start with the more important things.

    1. Ribena
    2. Mr Lau's blog
    3. Queensway Shopping Centre
    4. Holiday

    we were on our way home from Queensway... and Dad was running low on petrol. So I decided to get a drink. I chose Ribena. Finished the bottle, read the back of it.

    It's not suitable for babies under 1. But who cares bout that, especially when it states Product of PCR, China. greattt. I want the Jonas Brothers to play at my funeral. LOL.

    Mr Lau has FINALLY posted about 1D's chalet.

    went to QSP with Mom and Dad. great place to get stuff. though I feel kinda weird there. idk why. I got my NEEDS. I'm satisfied and I don't feel the need to shop for anything else.

    truth to be told, I don't really fancy shopping. I got a new school bag and a pair of Nike track shoes. I LOVE THEM. THEY'RE RED, BLACK, AND WHITE. =D

    Mom spent ALOT. Dad spent more than her.

    I'll be off to Trengganu, Malaysia on the 2nd of next month. till the 6th. wheee! LOL.


    Signed out at 10:19:00 PM

    Friday, November 28, 2008

    I'm miserably sick. *sniffs*

    I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to certain people. cuz I feel seriously guilty for what I said.

    I was angry and MAYBE there was a tinge of jealousy. stupid green eyed monster. so if you still wanna annihilate me, that's your problem.

    So here I am, saying SORRY.

    Signed out at 3:53:00 PM

    Wednesday, November 26, 2008

    hmmm... I just realised that two songs from my playlist are accompanied with videos. adding to that... THEY ARE TWILIGHT RELATED.
    • check yes juliet - we the kings
    • decode - paramore
    check them out. rocking out songs. =D Anyways... I just realised some linkage between two songs. Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings and Love Story - Taylor Swift. They're great songs!

    Mom's coming back today! I survived 5 days with my Dad. =p

    like WTH?! we are waiting for the film to premiere ON THE 18th of DECEMBER... while in the States, it has already premiered. O.o lucky people.


    Signed out at 11:01:00 PM

    Monday, November 24, 2008

    I am officially going gaga over Twilight. Spent the last 2 hours watching videos with relation to the film. Interviews, trailers, sneak peeks, behind the scenes, whatever. HAHA.

    Went to Facebook and found this picture.

    Does Ashley look pissed? Vanessa's probably thinking, "In your face Ashley!" And Zac... he probably saw a bird and looked at that direction. wahaha.

    Signed out at 11:47:00 PM


    My freaking computer keeps beeping and refuses to let me use it. So here I am using my dad's laptop. 3 cheers! Anyways... 2nd day of no Mummy. hahas.

    TO GIRLS WHO DON'T HELP OUT THEIR MOTHERS WITH DAILY CHORES : HELP YOUR POOR MOTHERS! I've been doing all the work around this house and I'm a wreck. HAHA.

    I want, whoops I mean, NEED to watch Twilight. Robert Pattinson has this mysterious sexy look. *smirks* HAHA. Seems like a worth watching flick.

    teehee. I found out that it premieres only on the 18th of December. So why did I say it would premiere on the 29th, of NOVEMBER?! heeee. CAN WE RESCHEDULE? =) SOOOOO SORRY TO THOSE WHOM I HAVE PLANNED THE MOVIE OUTING WITH!

    ohoh and the movie's soundtrack is Decode by Paramore! Paramore!!! LOL.

    Signed out at 8:27:00 PM

    Saturday, November 22, 2008

    Mom's flight to Perth is at 9pm today. gahh gonna miss her. I MISS MY MUMMY ALREADY! lol.

    Anyways, today the Malay students had this little 'gathering'. LOL it was okay I guess. I was an hour late. teehee. Saw Eugene. O.o Reached, did stuff. blablabla. someone sms-ed me. had this 'Don't Forget The Lyrics' thing. Malay version. wahaha.

    thing ended. went round 4th level with dearest Asyiqin. hahas. went to the staff toilet on the 4th level. IT'S FRIGGIN CLEAN. can't wait till I'm sec 4. took pictures.
    camwhoring. it's essential in every girl's life. maybe.
    Asyiqin and I.
    spastic city.
    A-S-Y-I-Q-I-N oi!
    she took this. and no asy, I won't post the other ladder pic. muahaha.
    remember how 1D used to run to the canteen when the bell begun its song?
    walked to cp. dined at the GLORIOUS macs. headed to cold storage, Asy wanted to get something. I looked around. Spotted flowers. HAHAHAS. bought a bouquet of yellow roses for Mom. am I not an angel? LOL.

    walked around with the roses.
    Asy's bus came so I had to wait. A few, okay MANY, couples passed. HAHA few of the girls tugged at their boyfriend's sleeves pointing at the bouquet I was holding. AT LEAST YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND. THOSE FLOWERS AREN'T EVEN FOR ME. hahas but I DID feel victorious. god knows why.

    Reached home. Surprised her with the roses. She was happy. =D helped her pack. and now I need to get ready to send her off. Dad just got back home.

    Oh no. What are we gonna do without Mom?! AHHH. We'll starve! We'll stink! The house will be a mess! Gahhh. Just pray to god. Okies then till the next time.

    bon voyage!

    Signed out at 4:31:00 PM

    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    a few things happened today.

    1. release of PSLE results
    2. an embarrassing incident (a must read XD)
    3. brownies

    they've received the results. to think that we used to be them. time flies ever too fast. far too fast. anyways... I didn't know it was posting of results today. Clarine reminded me. hahas. so I called up a few of my juniors and decided to pay a visit to CFPS. Walked there, memories of my days in CFPS played in my mind.

    reached. was greeted by some of my juniors. went up to the hall. met Debbie! =p the students settled down. anxious, they were, I could feel it.
    Found Mr Ng, talked a little. Then Mr Reis came along chatted and I asked about the results. HAHA. he just rolled his eyes. Yishun Town was giving a promo talk. blablabla. found Mrs Lim! hahas. I love her. She made me love English. no offence to Mr Lin. =)

    then the results. *drumroll* Mr Pek, the pricipal gave a speech. THE STUDENTS ARE ANXIOUS FOR THEIR RESULTS MAN! they don't bother about the speech! LOL. announced the best in -place subject in the is blank- students. *claps*
    dearest Isaac receiving his results. come to NCHS!
    waiting in line. gahhh.
    the little toad high-ing before receiving results.
    Amirul, I know you got a great score. But a fly may fly in your pie hole. come to NCHS!

    walked home. bought lunch. on the way home...

    I saw this guy, from the back... who looked totally like Mr Lin. hahas. so I called out for him. no reply. =.= called again. is this guy deaf or something?! went to face him. I was like Mr Lin! looked up.

    OH MA GAWD!!!

    It was a woman. SERIOUSLY. her back, serious Mr Lin look alike. her front, womanly? LOL she gave me a cold stare before running to another lady, who was very feminine.

    O.o the couple stared at me. I gave an apologetic grin.


    now... I'm waiting for the butter to melt. I will make brownies.

    Congratulations to those who scored well. Don't worry to those who didn't do as well. A thousand apologies to the Mr Lin look-alike. Good luck to my brownies.

    I shall end here. brownie time! =)


    Signed out at 10:21:00 PM

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    I need to wash the dishes now. But I'm not. lol.

    restless days. gee. My sweet tooth is screaming. not literally, though that would be awesome. hahas. maybe I'll make brownies later. hmmm brownies. something's wrong with me. I can't sleep well nowadays. ohho. and my bedtime would be around 2a.m. hmmm.

    je pense toujours I comme toi.
    a-t-ce pu être possible ?
    me libérer de cette misère.
    svp. je vous prie.

    Signed out at 2:05:00 PM

    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    legs cramps. I can't sit. So I'm writing this, standing, bending down to the keyboard. *takes a break*

    spent the last hour blog surfing, reading through old posts. brings back all the memories. happy, sad, sober, drunk, high, low. whatever. LOL. a year's gonna end, and another's coming real soon. scary.

    I gotta get back to my chores. geee.

    and yes. if you haven't noticed... I HAVE changed my skin. I love the robot! HAHA. beepbeepbrah!

    current song : womanizer by britney spears

    Signed out at 4:26:00 PM


    brief post. for more details, visit www.cheerstomyself.blogspot.com

    hahas had fun, strike that, LOADS OF FUN yesterday with Jiamin. hahas.

    We decided to go for a jog, but the rain was raining on our parade. Our plan:

    TO KILL. okay no. Walk to northpoint. If the rain subsides, WALK to Yishun stadium.
    So I met her at my place. Poor her! She had to walk in the rain, good thing with an umbrella. Then we walked to northpoint, talked, got wet, told her half of my story.
    Jiamin's sexy legs & the hole.

    She saw loads of her acquaintances there. None of mine. D= hahas went to get these fantastic chewy juniors. YUMMY! But expensive. gahhh. The newly opened library is big. I think. XD

    Anyways... the rain subsided. So we decided to make our way to the stadium. But before we embarked on our journey, we bought 2 1l bottles of mineral water at NTUC. or was it Fairprice? Or both? idk.

    We walked, talked, regretted walking, stopped, took pictures of birdies. =D

    Finally, we reached. HAHA. Burned calories already! =p We ate the chewy junior stuff. HAHA
    =p then changed.
    serious unglam. =x
    we jogged 4 laps, consistent pace, non stop, in around 10 min. HAHA. Rested for 5 min. Jogged another round before stopping. hahas. 2km down! LOL. Went to get our things, saw some uncle. He lectured me then lectured Jiamin while I changed in the toilet. THE TOILET THERE IS FRIGGIN GROSS.

    Left the stadium. Took pictures.
    Junior photographer, Woo Jiamin.

    Went back home. Parents came back. Went to Malaysia. again. I got mega nuts. Ate sushi. =D topped-up. Came back. Slept. =p

    Signed out at 11:51:00 AM

    Sunday, November 16, 2008

    Unit recreational day. Yesterday. 15 November 2008.

    Woke up at 6. Did stuff. Left the house around 7.45 with Mom and Dad. They had to work. Reporting time for us was 9. I reached at 8.05. O.o slacked in the first level's girl's toilet. LOL. The big mirror is loved.

    HAHA. I just realised the fan ping-pong bat looking thing stuck behind the mirror. Do you see it? Got tired of the toilet so I moved on behind the F&N block.
    Random shot. Felt seriously drained then. Wanted to sleep. Finally, Audrey came! Haa waited for her at the side gate. We walked to the canteen where the rest of us were waiting. At 9 we set off to Pasir Ris Park. Miss Leow's hair so cute.
    Reached, walked to our pits. The grass was friggin muddy. But hey, it's just mud.
    XD walked to E!hub. Bowling time! Got in our groups of 6. My group; Audrey, Tiffany, Alicia, Jaslin, Gillian, myself. Our Sec 4 seniors arrived. HAHA I went 1st in my group. Afrah vs Zheng Jie. LOL.

    I attempted my frist 'throw'. It seriously was a throw. The ball rolled back. To my group. *laughs* Good thing the game wasn't on yet.

    Alley turned ghost town.
    Finished the game. Miss Hani gathered the group, announcing that we had then, 11.30 till 3.30 for ourselves! So Audrey and I decided to have lunch. Walked~~ found KFC. Headed in and got the 2 piece chicken meal.That hour we spent in KFC was worth it. It's nice talking to someone who actually gets it.

    Left KFC, walked to E!hub. Circled the place. I was tempted to watch a movie. WE HAD ENOUGH TIME! Decided not to. Met Rachael and Gina in front of New York New York. Hoho. A guy was giving out brochures to promote his outlet. He gave it to Gina. The convo they had:

    Random guy comes up to us and gives a brochure to Gina...
    Gina: What's this?
    Random dude: A brochure.
    =.= like duh! of course we know it's a brochure!

    Then walked back to Pasir Ris Park. I wanted to head to the stable. Audrey rented a bike. Then I changed my mind. Audrey went to cycle. I went walking back to the pit with Rachael and Gina.
    I look freakishly weird.

    and the freaky continues.
    The mud was mega sticky. And it conquered everywhere. Attack of the mud! Sat on the break water alone, enjoying the sea. I think I'm in love with the sea. I did the same thing at class chalet. HAHA.
    The breeze was spectacular.
    no comment.
    At least this shot looks better.
    I KNOW I look high here.
    from left: Rachael, Afrah, Gina.
    we were so relaxed that we could rest. HAHA.
    some of the Sec 4 seniors.
    went back to the pit. Weiqi came along and started talking to me and Audrey. Gina and Rachael had left. Then some guys from the Sec 2 level came along teasing Weiqi cuz he was talking to us. DON'T BE SO JEALOUS GUYS! hahas. Wei Jun sat with us. He's such a perv. LOL. joking? hahas.

    Some people started the BBQ fire. While the rest were slacking, Sir came out of the blue, saying we should help get the food. He instructed us to go to the carpark. On the way there I cut the grass, the mud-filled grass. The guys followed but they complained about how muddy it was. =.= and they were like Afrah not girly. RIGHTTTT.

    I turned around and started my bimbo accent. HAHA. Weiqi tried it. Failed. HAHA. Then the van came. Our Sirs had brought a trolley. So the, probably, 25 people just trailed behind the food. LOL. Went back to the pit. Arranged the food.
    Very glamorous Edmund. Sao Wee, hungry much?
    Ate. Sat with some of the String girls. They were playing Daidi. HAHA. I started my orchestra. *smirks*. Soon, most of us started making fart noises. =D

    Went back to NPCC area. Sat with Gillian. Ms Tan came along and asked Hao Xian to butter her corn and BBQ it. HAHA.
    buttered barbecued corn. GOOD. hahas.
    Eventually, Hao Xian started blanketing most of the food with butter till the butter was gone.

    Started getting dark. Most of you guys should know the YO! girl right? She's the chick with the wicked hair? Anyways, she wanted another farting contest. But no one was interested. SHE FORCED US. So we started running away from her. She caught up? LOL.

    Then we told her that we could only do the natural ones. I told her to bring me a bottle of coke so that my air could be easily farted out. She almost did. HAHA. scarrieeee.

    Sat on the break water again. Watching the starless night.
    It hurt real bad when I saw them leaving. I lost all hope. Then she told me to turn. I saw him. He came back. Then on the way back, I did IT. But what bothering me now is whether he heard me. gahh. Oh god.

    The bus ride was painful? LOL. Went back home and watched Titantic. To ease my sorrows. HAHA.

    Signed out at 6:38:00 PM