It’s idiot-proof. If you can’t spell or say AFRAH right, LAB 27 is right around the corner.
I’ve always liked 27th July, so celebrate the day yeah?
I’m attracted to men, I’m straight.
I have no respect for people who swear.
Manchester United, way to go reds!
I’m still quite normal, so I attend school.
- Chongfu Primary.
- Nan Chiau High.
• 1D’08
• 2D’09
- MOELC [arab].
• A1.11
• A2.10
If you’ve got issues with me, get back to the gutter from where you came from.
I’m popping with surprises, so hang in there. :D
I want THIS for my birthday cake. haha. I saved this post yesterday. got too tired and slept.
Friday, 30 Jan. anyway, went to school. was supposed to fetch the health booklets from the alumni room. asked for amirul's assitance to get them. haha, it's about time that boy does work. had literature. mr krishnan talked about his generosity. LOL.
had mother tongue after history. mdm rohayah didn't come again. LOL. slacked in class with asyiqin. took pictures. screwed stuff. I doodled fun stuff too! like the fact that I'm attached to... nah, I won't brag about it. HAHA. joking luhs. I'll keep to my vow. and if you still don't get what I'm talking about, I'll write it in plain english. I am not attached. yay!
recess-ed. had english. mr quek was angry. it's not an easy sight to see him angry. I like seeing him all jovial and stuff. seeing him angry is, sad. LOL. some people just arent sensitive to others' feelings. sigh. he handed out the new timetable, yes, it's being changed.
like WTH. why does the timetable have to change? I'm so gonna dread fridays now. but at least there'll be no MT and at the end of the day, NPCC will save me. =D
science was next, mr chong's last lesson with us. sigh. he's so nice, and now, cuz of that new timetable, we're getting a new teacher. ms chum, if I'm not wrong. after school, saw NCC's gathering outside the DnT room. LOL. had lunch. changed. we decided to fall in real early. like at, 2.20? LOL.
went through a new drill, pacing. the timing was all screwed. LOL. NCO samuel wasn't happy with our discipline. at all. had to change to PT kit. audrey and I have a new plan to change fast. wahaha. I forgot to take my school shoes with me to the loo. so I rushed back to the class without shoes, only white socks protecting my feet. rofl.
had to pitch up tents within 20 minutes. we took 42 minutes. LOL. but my group was faster than the other one. HAHA! we were told to cram in the tent me, audrey and another 7 boys, in a tent. a green tent. how comfortable, don't you think so TOO? LOL. NCO samuel sat with us, pointing out some useful things. fall-ed in. we had to chiong to get all the things back in the NP room. 6 minutes and 30 seconds to disemble everything and bring back to the room. LOL.
audrey started laughing when NCO soon lai did something real funny. LOL. had PT after that. I'M SO PROUD OF SEC 2 SQUAD. I don't wanna brag anything, but we managed to clear, 7 PUSH-UPS! don't be too jealous. LOL.
assembled back tot he parade square. Sir shared great news! woots. LOL we were dismissed, and I had to give up my darling eclipse to T.Weiqi. haha. vincent thought the book was about fighting! aiyayai. waited for parents with the 2B boys and bejamin.
I really gotta go. LOL. ciao people! =D
Signed out at 10:15:00 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
in mom's school now.
waiting for clarine to return me my spider.
and my thumbdrive.
I'll start patronising hougang mall's popular.
God knows why, wahaha.
it's thursday!
and I love you!
haa. in my mom's cubicle now. school was fine today. a day filled with tests. LOL. I've officially made thursday, specs day. that's why I wore glasses today to school! HAHA. anyway, had art in the morning, managed to sketch out a weird car. =D
maths was next. revised a little for the test. we heard 2E singing happy birthday to mr chong. haha. the test was, hmmm, fairly hard. haha. had recess.
mdm rohayah didn't show, thank you God. LOL. so stayed in class with the rest of the higher mother tongue kids. haha, kids. anyway, revised geog, talked to asyiqin. LOL. had science after. mr chong came in, sang him happy birthday, went through atoms, compounds and stuff.
english was next. had another test. whee. si kai keeps peeking into my work. that freak. he was mega weird today, even weirder than other days. but comical. weird, but comical. LOL.
geog came. we tried to trick ms liew in thinking that we weren't informed of the test. typical 2D. haha. we had the test anyways. =.= day ended, walked to the bus stop with jeri, clarine and clarine's juniors. clarine's a sicko, stay away from her. she may do you. =O I said too much. LOL. JOKING ONLY PEOPLE. joking.
got high, probably freaked out the juniors. HAHA. took 161 with clarine, cam-----ed, LOLed. got off the bus, got bubble tea and entered hougang mall.
we wanted to check out how much the Twilight book cost at Popular. I was, still am, itching for Breaking Dawn. so I asked the lady when it would be in stock. I had accidentally said Twilight, instead of Breaking Dawn, so that blur lady asked this guy where Twilight was. he was crouching down, sorting out the books, and when he appeared, I was like wow. he was hot. gahh. LOL.
walked to mom's school, gave clarine my thumbdrive cuz she wanted my songs.
now I'm here. so, donedone.
Signed out at 3:17:00 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
huhu, something amazing may happen today.
I'm predicting it.
this will be a mega short post.
so, so read this post.
I should get breaking dawn, asap.
but I don't want anyone getting it for me.
melted cheese, yum.
haha! you have no idea kristen...
ps: this is just a prediction. it may not be true.
Signed out at 2:33:00 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
do what you were assigned to do.
and not others' tasks.
facebook rocks.
unlike friendster.
I heard the arab speaking test was a flunker.
I feel a quiz coming.
I wanna do a quiz. deal with it.
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Shut Up And Let Me Go – The Ting Tings [ouu feisty.]
2. How would you describe yourself?
Decode – Paramore [hookay…]
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Thriller – Michael Jackson [I like the sense of thrill in a guy? hmm.]
4. How do you feel today?
Dangerous – Katherine McPhee [O.o]
5. What is your life's purpose?
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy [link-less.]
6. What is your motto?
Disenchanted – My Chemical Romance [this quiz doesn’t like me much.]
7. What do your friends think of you?
Supermassive Black Hole – Muse [ YOU GUYS THINK I’M A BLACK HOLE? ]
8. What do you think of your parents?
Hot And Cold – Katy Perry [LOL.]
9. What do you think about very often?
Goodbye’s (The Saddest Word) – Celine Dion [finally, something right.]
10. What is 2 + 2?
The Beauty In Ugly – Jason Mraz [maths you fool! not apprerance!]
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Check Yes Juliet – We The Kings [run baby run~~~]
12. What do you think of the person you like?
You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift [hah! it’ll be better if I liked someone though.]
13. What is your life story?
Time Is Running Out – Muse [what is up with my music collection?!]
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Superhuman – Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson [manageable.]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Beat It – Fall Out Boy [way off. seriously.]
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Cinderella – Steven Curtis Chapman [right on! I’ll wait for my wedding patiently then.]
17. What will they play at your funeral?
I Will Remember You – Sarah Mclachlan [nice.]
18. What is your hobby/interest?
Pain – Jimmy Eat World [inflicting pain? bearing pain?]
19. What is your biggest fear?
Goodbye – Saving Abel [maybe?]
20. What is your biggest secret?
I Can Wait Forever – Simple Plan [sureee.]
21. What do you think of your friends?
Superstar – Jamelia [they are my superstars!]
22. What will you post this as?
Shake It – Metro Station [ fine, shake it then. ]
finished. =)
Signed out at 3:27:00 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
dare mess with me now, I'll kill you.
no, I'm not joking.
so keep your words to yourself.
this is called, being plain pissed off.
I don't know why.
so stop wondering.
oh, you there! go to hell.
hah. when you're angry you just don't think straight do you? hmm. the goon still gives me the chills. but not so much, at least.
... I've got nothing more to add. bloody waste of precious time. I'll post again when I can smile. waiting time: 80 years.
Signed out at 11:33:00 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
cold, but soft.
still, but serene.
tears to flow, piece of cake.
see you go, hearts did break.
it's strange, without you.
it's hard, to say goodbye.
but it's harder, to let go.
we've never really appreciated something, till it's gone. she was smiling. her skin, stone cold, but soft. I didn't even say goodbye. oh God.
goodbye's the saddest the word I'll ever hear goodbye's the last time I will hold you near someday you'll say that word and I will cry it'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
I was waiting for so long for a miracle to come everyone told me to be strong hold on and don't shed a tear
let the rain come down and wash away my tears let it fill my soul and drown my fears
I need you to know that I care and that I miss you
and that I love you, sweet Grandmama.
truth to be told, it hasn't really sunken in yet. I'll crack when it does; I'm preparing myself for that. gee, it hurts.
Maimunah Binte Mat Taha [1931- 18.01.2009]
Signed out at 8:24:00 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
the plate burst.
butt crack. LOL.
facebook rocks.
friendster doesn't.
I want the twilight saga box set[hardcover].
BUT I ALREADY HAVE 2 OF THE 4. anyone wants to buy my 2 books?
greedy pig, stop screwing with me. gee, but look... it shines like an angel! sigh. sigh. sigh. gah, stupid pig.
Signed out at 9:23:00 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
hohum. being sick sucks.
hopefully, I'll get better and go to school tomorrow.
fresh air is good for the sick.
so is thinking.
andand reading Eclipse. =D
no more panadol. please.
oh look! a unicorn!
sicksicksick. it sucks.
ECLIPSE. IS. WONDERFUL. even though I haven't finished it. LOL.
pleasepleaseplease God, let me go to school tomorrow. pretty please.
Signed out at 11:28:00 PM
edward cullen tagged me. =D
edward cullen tagged me. =O
edward cullen tagged me. O.o
edward cullen tagged me. =.=
someone please get me breaking dawn.
I'm warming up to my phone.
stop putting pink things on my stuff 2D!
hah. who knew edward cullen could know about the books. bizarre world we're living in don't you think?
I shan't elaborate on school.
Signed out at 12:23:00 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
borderline happy.
uhoh. could it be? no...
I have to start watching 90210 again.
1 more to go, love. 1 more.
I miss my baby!
are cheese houses possible? like, a house completely made of cheese?
I don't like Bedok.
I HAVE ECLIPSE~~~ yayness! HAHA. wheee!!! *stops to drain out some enthu*
LOL. school was A-okay today.
went to school. had english. talked about bursaries and stuff. had three periods of DnT after. we were supposed to get pictures on souvenirs. I got pictures on tourists. LOL.
after recess was mother tongue. getting real sick of her. urgh, disgusting. anyway, did stuff. went back to class. math was in session. then IT. haha. damn fun. but that Sir person was, vulgar? O.o who knows. aha. took pictures. *waits as the thingy uploads* *waits some more* gee, whatever. takes too long.
had assembly. clarine was harrasing me. I was close to hitting her wound. eee sorry! LOL. a play was going on. ouu. end of assembly, went back to class. clarine to my baby. IT'D BETTER BE IN ONE PIECE WHEN YOU RETURN MY BABY TO ME CLARINE LIM SZE TIEN.
so Dad fetched me. went home and called, MANY, bookstores, inquiring for eclipse. one bookstore is very rude. finally, kinokuniya spared me. went to bugis junction with parents after fetching Mom. got the darling book. =DDD
tuesday, soon to be over.
P. L. E.
Signed out at 10:29:00 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
I love my red spider.
we're living in a real small world.
the end is nearing.
I have a problem with stereotypes.
I need eclipse. by wednesday, tops.
there's wax on my pants.
haha. went to school on an empty tank today. simply meaning there was hardly any oil in the car. adding to that, we had a near to death experience. whee. Dad overtook this ancient car on a 2-way road. and there was an incoming TRUCK.
reached school at 7.15. mdm tang was on MC. PE was fine. had to go through the class relay thing. seriously, A CLASS RELAY?! anyway, clarine tried to be macho woman by ignoring her wound. bacteria woman! bacteria! had science. then english.
changed to uni. recess time. then geog. ms liew didn't come. free period. yay. revised history. then math lesson came. free period, again. went over to janelle's seat. tested bryan on history. talked about twilight. =D threw magnets. sang decode. =D
mr krishnan came in after for literature. a few people did squats unless they wanted an hour long of detention for not behaving. haha. junhan pointed out that when girls do squats, everything would be revealed. rofl.
mr neo's lesson was next. did the test. POSTCARDS ARE A FORM OF VISUAL EVIDENCE. after CME, school ended. had lunch. talked about heart/eye extraction. LOL. talked to claire. went for arab.
I was kinda moody during arab; thinking is painful. LOL. did stuff, presented stuff, talked to shahana.
felt better during break. lesson started again. ate a stupid sweet. that sweet was seriously stupid. arab ended.
mom fetched. we got lost on the way to fetch dad. LOL. finally did we the showroom. discussed a twilight matter, rofl. had dinner. went home.
monday, soon to be over.
Signed out at 9:22:00 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I still want a gay guy best friend.
would I kill for sleep now? yes.
I don't like teddy bears. a certain kind at least.
I have problems with shopping.
the school yearbook, O.o.
respect the classics.
supermassive black holes.
hoo. super tired now.
woke up at 7. went to religious class. apparently, MY class was supposed to start at 11. great. so at 8 I went to have breakfast, alone at macs. LOL. good thing I brought my new moon book. yayness. I spent an hour there, before someone asked for my table. boo.
saw a bunch of SAFRA people jogging, old people in shorts are so adorable. walked to northpoint. wondered why I went there. trudged home, humming hit me with your best shot. that song's damn nice. HAHA. reached home at 9.45. watched Hope and Faith. left home at 10.50.
reached at 11.10. no one said a syllable. good. HAHA. met sufia and mariaty. continued reading new moon. sufia tried to ruin my book. how dare she. LOL. went out to the courtyard to play ice breaking games. with a ball. what joy.
had break. we tried playing the abandoned guitar on the table. played UNO, ben 10 version. productive, no?
walked to northpoint, again. bought lunch, returned library books, check popular for eclipse. seriously, I'm starting to get real pissed with popular. went down to macs, to get ice-cream. yum. walked home.
sundays, don't you just dread them? LOL.
Signed out at 6:40:00 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I want a gay guy best friend.
hair is such a nuisance, we should all be bald.
american magazines rock.
stephenie meyer's a genius.
mcfly's 'too close for comfort' isn't too bad.
my papercut isn't healing. thinner time!
thinking is painful.
people please, be a dear and text me your numbers.
gee. boredom kicks.
haha. I miss malaysia. alot.
Signed out at 5:55:00 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
ponyo, what's that all about?
I'm on the phone with WOO jiamin now.
I wanna do shakesphere for literature.
vodka is russian for little water.
pinnocchio is russian for pine head.
someone should invent cheeseballs. like, literally balls of cheese. =D
update time. but can I not? recapping, like what, 1, 2, 3, 4 days? nah. I won't do it.
yesterday Dad produced his old, buttons-are-lost motorala, for me to use in the mean time. I shouldn't be complaining really, it's good enough I have a usable phone. that is, before that ancient thing gives way.
today was, surprisingly, a great day. school started off with mr krishnan. ah bonus points to that. then mr neo came in and adding to that, he announced the cancellation of the history test. but it's back on now, not so worried though. yay.
mother tongue was, thank god, better than usual. recess came. started talking bout cheeseballs.
mr quek came in after recess. luqman started looping the silent ringtone on his phone, sikai prompted him further. mr chong was next. old men are so cute. all shrievelled up and wrinkly. HAHA. ohoh and the white hair!
so science dragged on before school ended. asyiqin revealed her collection of twilight phone themes, my heart skipped a beat. HAHA. robert pattinson, gee.
it's real hard to find a genuinely handsome guy. hot guys are everywhere, maybe. but not handsome ones.
changed to full uni. bought twine. fell in(is that an appropriate way of saying 'fall' in in past tense? ah who cares.) we were supposed to find an IC for the squad. did we find one? -undecided-.
HAHA. drill session was fun. we were split into two groups. my half touched on the longer commands. head cracking much? thank god I can, somewhat, understand the basic malay language. NP games are irritatingly fun. EVERYONE BEWARE OF NCO SAMUEL LEE. he plays tricks. =p
after break we learnt sizing commands. mega fun! changed to PT kit for PT. HAHA ran two rounds round the school. we had to cheer cum run during the second lap. Hao Xian, Ralph and Jun Hao are so sick. and I have to be standing around them for the rest of my living days in NP. lucky me?
played capt. ball after PT. good lord, if I don't get my hands on that LIM YONG KIONG, someone will. trust me on that sir. but the yearbook's at fault really. sigh.
assembled, and dismissed we were. waited with audrey. water is lovely. HAHA. parents came, had dinner, went home.
what a productive day. :D
Signed out at 10:02:00 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
when life gives you lemons, squirt them in someone's eye.
RUSH baby biscuits are nice
I'm like dead tired right now.
I'm a public transport retard.
beetles are edible.
almonds are a member of the peach family.
babies are born without knee caps.
it's, 10.05 now. 10 minutes ago, I reached home. whee. that's why I'm dead tired. give me a pillow and I'll die in my sleep. rofl.
school was fun today. LOL. started off normal, took the key, settled in class. Mdm Tang's our maths teacher. she's nice, and pregnant. andand she likes toilet paper. so does junhan, jason and liangzhou.
we have mrs goh as our PE teacher. she's nice too. hopefully. LOL. fries are unhealthy! DOWN WITH TRANS FAT! I grew 2cm! yay! LOL.
during break we accompanied andrea, my junior. LOL. we started talking about CCAs. an indirect invitation? LOL.
mr krisnan rocks! HAHA. he seems, fairly weird during morning assemblies. but damn is he great during class. literature's gonna be fun.
mr neo's our history teacher. he's fun too. AND HE'S DONE WITH THE 1ST CHAPTER OF HISTORY. sec2's gonna be great.
after school, I had to go for third lang.. headed to compass for lunch with most of the choir girls and clarine. had BK. talked about deep stuff. girls these days. HAHA. took 156 to bishan.
being a public transport retard, I could hardly sleep through the 30 minute long bus ride. LOL. good thing I realised I was near my learning centre. god knows where I might float off next if I didn't alight.
arab was mega fun! HAHA shahana and syahirah cut their hair, short! like mine! haha. that reminds me.
shifa had a card and present ready for syahirah's birthday. all the rest of the girls did was sign well wishes on the card. shahana talks too much on the phone, like a yapping animated doll. rofl. took pictures.'surprised' syahirah.
dad fetched me. instead of home, we detoured to vivo to get my replacement SIM card. I get a SIM but no phone. had dinner with him. went home.
I should turn in now.
nights good people! =D
gahh! hold up! today's many people's birthday. if I'm not wrong. birthday wishes!
Signed out at 9:27:00 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
surprise, surprise. my darling phone, goodbye.
the tune for ABC is the same as Twinkle Tinkle Little Star.
chain letters are irritating.
ants never sleep.
the human brain is 80% water. LOL!
singapore has only one train station.
it's not illegal to fart in public.
phone's gone. music's gone. saved messages are gone. pictures are gone. EVERYTHING'S BLOODY GONE. what phone should I get next? LOL.
limewire's going crazy. sheesh.
Signed out at 4:22:00 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
school started.
I'm lost without it.
girls are far worst than guys. don't complain. I'm part of that species.
there really are heartless morons in world.
it's time to grow up.
music is my remedy.
nail clippers are dangerous.
phone's gone MIA. so save your money and don't bother texting or calling me. this post will be a little cold. I'm not in the mood for HAHAs, LOLs, ROFLs. bear with me alright?
2nd Jan.
school was reasonably fine. whee. 2D recruited a new student. her name escapes me. Mr Quek Bufeng's our form teacher. HE'S MEGA NICE LUHS! and he's our english teacher. great english periods are in store for us.
we had our mini elections during the two first periods of the day. we've settled with all the class duties. I won't state who got what. the rest of the day dragged on. bryan's real sweet! god knows why.
recess was more productive. the retards and asyiqin went to the first level toilet, took photos. you can find them on janelle's blog. FYI, I took them.
end of school, NPCC was next. a crisis occured. urgh. safety pins are so hard to find.
assembled in the quadrangle. did stuff. we had to be separated in two groups. BANNERS vs TENT PITCHING. LOL. the BANNERS had to be divided again. the vertically challenged and the non-vertically challenged.
I had to go scurrying around second and third level with chia wee, taping the banners. I'll never forgive the wind. LOL.
message to sec2 squad! we need to find a new squad IC. asap.
Sir gave us a 5 C lecture. we wrote letters. we played soccer after. benjamin wants to watch twilight. went home. got real tired, slept, woke up at 12. polished my boots. went back to sleep.
3rd Jan
had to go back to school for the sec1 orientation thingy. it was fun? went around screaming, got smashed into the wall. don't ever fight with clarine lim. HAHA. some guy is really sick. the different side of -shan't be named-.
the choir girls are scary. gina and janelle especially. jeri tried to tickle me. tough luck. muahahaha.
assembled back to the quadrangle. jaslin and yong kiong we the best sales people. we have new junior instructors; guowei, tse ee, zhen hui, kenny. *claps*
waited for mom to come. waited with weiqi. mom came. THEN, did I realise my phone was gone. sigh.
that's all I guess. I'll go count rice or something. bon voyage!
Signed out at 8:59:00 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
my parents wanted to get romeo and juliet couple rings.
I'm wearing a blue shirt.
the hairdresser cut my hair a tad too short.
I can't find my school skirt.
school starts tomorrow.
fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails.
all polar bears are left-handed.
every time I start a post, you'll see 7 points of total randomness. yay. but I really can't find skirt. ohoh. I have NPCC tomorrow! goody!
I've read new moon, and it rocks. maybe not as much as twilight, but still. I'm worried for the movie though. cuz the new director had directed a few really sucky films. new moon the movie may suck, GOD FORBID IT! if it really does, I'll personally hack down the director. justice would then be done.