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It’s idiot-proof. If you can’t spell or say AFRAH right, LAB 27 is right around the corner. 
I’ve always liked 27th July, so celebrate the day yeah?
I’m attracted to men, I’m straight.
I have no respect for people who swear.
Manchester United, way to go reds!
I’m still quite normal, so I attend school.
- Chongfu Primary.
- Nan Chiau High.
• 1D’08
• 2D’09
- MOELC [arab].
• A1.11
• A2.10
If you’ve got issues with me, get back to the gutter from where you came from.
I’m popping with surprises, so hang in there. :D


  • Brendan
  • Cassandra
  • Claudia
  • Hamizah
  • Iffah
  • Jacqueline
  • Jasmine
  • Jerome
  • Jia Min
  • Jing Ting
  • Joanne
  • Lenise
  • Melissa
  • Rui Wen
  • Samuel
  • Timothy
  • Wei Xiang
  • Ying Xin
  • Juniors
  • Ada
  • Charlene
  • Cleone
  • Farah
  • Fernanda
  • Wan Xin
  • Christine
  • Classes
  • 6 Achieving07
  • 6 Caring 07
  • 6 Loyal 07
  • 6 Observant 07
  • 6 Respectful 07
  • 6 Sincere 07
  • 6 United 07
  • NCHS
  • Ang Yi Xuan
  • Benjamin
  • Bernice
  • Chiawee
  • Cindy
  • Claire
  • Clarine
  • Gina
  • Janelle
  • Jazin
  • Joyce
  • Kenn
  • Rachel
  • Tiffany
  • Travis
  • Yu Han
  • Wen Hui
  • Seniors
  • Geolin
  • Jaslin
  • T.Weiqi
  • XinYi
  • Teachers
  • Mr Jansen
  • Mr Lau
  • Mr Lin
  • Ms Samantha
  • Ms Tan
  • Mr Wang
  • Irfan
  • Ola
  • Syahirah
  • NPAP.
  • Azbakiah
  • Dionis
  • Hafizah
  • Jaymann
  • Joleen
  • Juzaidah
  • Qin Lin
  • Yi Sheng
  • Yong Qin
  • Vanessa
  • Weiling
  • others.
  • NPCC!
    Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    1. I've been on blog-neglect.
    2. maths test this thurs!
    3. don't be suicidal.
    4. I said EDWARD in front of the whole school today!
    5. you just can't get enough of FRIENDS.
    6. I like chandler.
    7. killing me softly, with his song yo!
    wahoo! inspector gadget! haha.

    so, school was, school.

    had to give out the NE speech today to the school. I got to say EDWARD. =DDD haha. 

    SOMEONE THREW AWAY MY BLACK BAKING TRAY. if that person does not own up, so help I will hunt you down and make adolf hitler seem sane. trust me, I WILL.

    during recess, I found out that there was a new relief teacher. male. finally, a chance for the sec 1s to see another side of the relief teachers. but I don't think he'll be taking us. OH SIGHHH.

    lessons dragged on. blablabla. 

    mr krishnan didn't come, rejoice, so ms phua relief-ed us. I gave out the new EZ-link cards. it was a WTH moment.

    the picture was taken when we were in p6. IT WAS H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. period. *shivers*
    seriously luh. it was PATHETIC. I was practically cussing over it.

    had assembly afterward. 2D got third for the cooking competition! well, better than nothing right? =)

    rushed to malay class for ORAL later. waiting time was super fun. haha. talked to siti, amirah and syamsiah. damn fun. talked about SOMEONE majority of the time. 

    I screwed up the convo part. 3 cheers. went home with claire and jeri after that. bus-ed home. sat with my SJC NPAP friend. haha. talked alot. 

    now I'm here. listening to classics. cuz the classics rock. DEAL WITH IT.
    should get going now.


    Signed out at 5:09:00 PM

    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    1. I realised something disturbing.
    2. do I give out a I'M ATTACHED! vibe? urgh.
    3. who wants to donate $27.90 to me?
    4. I'm taking back my love.
    5. I'm not buying it.
    6. get off my back.
    7. 1234 left, right, left! 4321 G,O,H!


    I can't wait till tuesday. cuz, we'll be going to HTA to collect no.1 dress. yeah, its the white tunic thing. I also need to get a pair of WHITE gloves and a WHITE round-neck shirt. fantastic. 

    next saturday's the NPAP preview. I'm freaking out. I sooo don't wanna end up in RESERVE. 
    LOL. that ----- ----- guy is so cute! oh good lord. HAHA. 

    Signed out at 5:28:00 PM

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    1. There was a stream.
    3. it's superrr gay.
    4. it takes me 15 minutes to find and MRT station.
    5. Hey Monday rocks. thanks janelle.
    6. I'm boycotting Friendster.
    7. NPAP people ROCK.
    there's something TOTALLY wrong in this pic, I just can't seem to place my finger on it, hmmm.

    anyway, great day today. cuz it's wednesday, slack day. supposingly. LOL.

    during silent reading, mr quek gave me, $50, cuz of my good behaviour :D, joking ALRIGHT. the $50 was for the bottles I had to buy for him for our shakers. SHAKE SHAKE.

    had mother tongue. then PE. I sat out, shan't comment why. watching 2D run like that was fun. HAHA. amirul has great stamina, but junhan has better. LOL. I remembered in the beginning of sec1 amirul was, bigger. LOL. everyone's growing. yay.

    2D's class key doesn't like me. I don't like it either. CAN WE TRADE VICE-CHAIRMAN?

    had reccess after science. spent the second half of break talking to ms choong who came into class to remind us of to bring A PROTRACTOR AND RULER each for tomorrow's maths lesson. a prof's gonna invidulate us. ouh. tried to get ms choong interested in MR ______. haha. go figure.

    went for IT. did the script and ComicLife for IPW. super fun. I loved the first picture. I looked SOOO gay. =D

    geog was next. fantastically, I didn't get into ANY trouble for not bringing some things that we were SUPPOSED to bring EVERY geog lesson. ohoh and our new geog teacher is Mrs Lu. she's interesting. went through settlements. DISPERSED! LINEAR! NUCLEATED!

    spent mr quek's lessons settling the shakers. amirul and went down to buy the drinks. SORRY YA 2D, BUT THE SPORT WATER BOTTLE WAS IN A NICE BLUE SHADE. why am I apologising? cuz the drink tastes weird when not cold. there were to cold bottles, so hehe, amirul and I took them. SORRY YA 2D. but don't complain. we had to drink an extra unfrigerated bottle. 


    changed to half uni with audrey before joining the house meeting. the rest of the sec2 squad had to go to some police heritage thingy. zhenyuan and I went for NPAP. waited a good 45 minutes for our teacher officer to arrive. so OBVIOUSLY, we were dead late. to make matters worst, the bus drivers took DONKEY YEARS to reach. he even missed a turn, so he had to U-turn to FINALLY reach home team.

    good thing, he had a TV. screening MR BEAN! 

    well, we were late, no doubt to that. but we didn't receive any screamings. goody. we only did some sedias and senang diris and break was given. yay. we were served cough mixture!

    fall-ed in. and it started pouring. till the end. woots. dismissed we were. changed to MUFTI. then the bus came. HE'S SO CUTE! AHHAHAHA.

    the bus ride was TOTALLY AWESOME. haha sang loads of songs with weiqi and jaslin. reached compass, went to the library with keith before going home.

    gotta do loads of things now. 

    Signed out at 10:16:00 PM

    Saturday, March 21, 2009

    1. I'm TOTALLY camp-ed out.
    2. school's gonna start again.
    3. I don't want that to happen.
    4. I can't close my eyes.
    5. but I'm like seriously wiped out.
    6. rock rocks.
    7. that was, TOTALLY AWESOME
    camp was TOTALLY AWESOME.
    i bet you're wondering why I'm constantly emphasizing totally awesome. you'll know if you read on. haha.

    my bag was real light. goody. reached school around 7. fall-ed in at 7.30. NCO junmin wanted me and, weiyu isit? idk, to emcee that night's 'performance night'. haha. sir zhiyu dropped the bomb, telling us that we were going to undergo our COPERAL test. 2 ikan bilis-es! he started the first test; uniform check. good thing I polished my boots. whew.

    then the rest of the day dragged on. went through drills, learnt lashings. I had to trade places with a guy cuz SOME people didn't know how to tie clove hitches. sao wee's so cute, but mega irritating. he asked me what 'goreng pisang' means. I told him banana, fried. then all the guys started laughing. sigh. then they started getting pulling my strings. 

    I was like telling them, do you want me to fry YOUR banana? ROFL.

    asked staff sam and sir zhen hui if my knots were right. and they were! LOL. got ready for lunch. then discussed the skit and stuff. LOL. I don't wanna comment on the skit we performed. it was so, rofl. we did on FLIPSIDE SOCKS. haha.

    had promo test. staff sam said that our drills were like, WTH. oh sigh. goodbye 2 ikan bilis-es.

    had PT after that. urgh. then had an hour and a half dinner and bath. woots. practised the speeches with weiyu. laughed like crazy. then, it was show time. AHHHHHHHHHH!

    fortunately for us, everyone was on super enthu mode. it felt good having people cheer, for the simplest things. HAHA. it was real fun emcee-ing can! haha. then, sec 2s were called to perform. uhoh.

    I think it was a success. haha. I tried on my bimbo. yay. zhen yuan's damn fierce. haha! thenthen, at the ending, I didn't know what to do, so I turned to the audience and said TOTALLY AWESOME, in the ska8er boy accent. 

    the sec 3s started mimicking it. LOL.

    sang loads of songs, did tons of cheers, danced loads of dances. I like the Limbo Rock. that was, interesting. haha. soon, the performance night was over. BOOHOO. 
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the lovely sec 3 seniors for being such good sports. and I mean it. =D

    bonded with the sec 1 girls before sleeping. lights out was at 10.35. lights on at 5.30. LOL. I hardly slept through the night. audrey was a log. I kept waking up cuz I was DIRECTLY under the strong winds of the fan. oh well.

    woke up, my hair was a mane. a lion's mane. =.= 

    got scolded by sirs during PT warm-ups cuz we didn't answer him loud enough. had to run 7 laps round... the... QUADRANGLE. I was so worried he'd say SCHOOL. I'd faint there and then. LOL. after the 7 laps, continued with the warm-ups before 2 rounds round the SCHOOL. I love sit-ups.

    we were to scream NPCC! so loud that the residents could hear. hypothetically speaking, of course. but congrats to us, we got a call from one the residents complaining about the noise. R.O.F.L.

    had breakfast. we had bread, kaya, peanut butter and no-condensed-milk diluted milo. lovely. haha. I drank ALOT of no-condensed-milk diluted milo. got worried when my tummy made noises. nothing happened though. *phew*

    had outdoor training after breakfast. we were told to pitch tents in 15 minutes. I told sir zhiyu that it was IMPOSSIBLE for us to pitch tents in that amount of time. I told him we need 40 minutes. my squad, probably, nodded in unison. but sir zhen hui laughed. he claimed he could pitch 4 tents in 40 minutes. rightttt. LOL.

    so we were given, 25 minutes. =.= 

    we finished in, 50 minutes! =.=

    fantastic no? LOL. had trouble returning the things back. oh well. changed to our stinky full uni for drills. that was when my ankle started bailing out on me. it was like a thousand knives penetrating my innocent ankle. but I continued with drill session like the rest of my squadmates. sigh, me and my ego. HAHA.

    had lunch before recreational time. got high then cuz home sweet home was closing. played the TOTALLY AWESOME games the sec 3s had in store for us. kang wei kept TOTALLY-ing me. LOL. poison ball was the most fun.

    true enough, time passed quickly. we rushed through area-cleaning. we scrubbed the mestins like madmen. got all wet. haha.

    retrieved our taken things before being dismissed. our timing for keluar baris, or else known as go-home command, was super enthu. TURN CHECK *BANG* CHECK LEFT RIGHT LEFT. WOO! haha. 

    walked to compass with T.weiqi and audrey. half way through, walked with the sirs, maams, and some sec 3s. bus-ed home.

    how eventful, no? LOL. I shall embark on the avalanche of homework undone.

    Signed out at 9:55:00 PM

    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    1. I screwed up the oratorical competition.
    2. I should go meet her.
    3. there is no need to please people in this world.
    4. my finger itches.
    5. schedule this week is jam packed.
    6. I miss childhood places of interest.
    7. lets go to the zoo!
    haha. it's so sadistic. I love it.

    tons of things to do this holiday. or is torture week a much suitable phrase?
    meeting up with clarine tomorrow at 9 to discuss our cooking competition. then right after that, gonna meet up with my lit group to discuss the Hideout in Geylang skit.

    Hideout in Geylang sounds so wrong, I know. 

    I might be overseas on tues and wed. not sure yet. homework is untouched. I have a MALAY workshop to attend to on thurs. 8am-4.30pm. fantastico. friday and sat is taken up by ALTC, all level TRANING camp. greattt.

    I wanna go stargazing.

    don't we all just LOVEEE holidays?

    Signed out at 10:43:00 PM

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    1. the bush is burning.
    2. the birds are flying.
    3. I'm on mega multi-tasking mode.
    4. post exam stress, it exists.
    5. I love my parents.
    6. I miss my sony.
    7. kit kat, have a break.
    aww, poor girl. 
    anyway, shan't eloborate on school. me like freaking exhausted. me wants to sleep. cuz me very tired. me shall stop here. 

    me say byebye.

    Signed out at 10:35:00 PM

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    1. I'm not dead, yet.
    2. missed me much?
    3. my brain cells are dying.
    4. hot & cold is getting irritating.
    5. I changed my skin. 
    6. we only use 0.08% of our brains.
    7. eistein uses 3% of his.

    I'm back. whether dead or alive, I'll let you decide.

    Signed out at 3:28:00 PM