Sunday, June 28, 2009
- saddening. definitely.
- ew, ew, ew.
- so, extremely cool.
- beat the beep.
- hurry! now!
- hell for you.
- cuz he's the king of POP. deal with it.
2 minutes of silence. please everyone.
one for Farrah Fawcett. the other for our LEGENDARY king of poop, *coughs* I mean POP, Mr Michael Jackson. may the both of you RIP.
poor black or white man.
that song is nice though, black or white.
they say he self proclaimed himself as the king of pop.
at least he got that right.
KING OF POP, you really deserved it mike. kudos to you.
school's looming closer. muchmuchmuch closer. fantastico!
go away pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
whatever. :D
I will remember you.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
- lookylooky.
- at the timey.
- early in the MORNING!
- haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
- yakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
- wee. like. pee.
- quack.
mugging for the NPCC inter-unit quiz thingy. tomorrow's the trial test. all the info on the net, please help me. 40 MCQ (thank the good lord) questions, I'll sleep through the whole thing.
mine's more personal! haha, but yay, I made someone ROFL. the jobros totally lost their edge, to me at least. :p
hey dear! yep, miss you too. me, goood.
helloooo! :) thankyou!
and a happy new year! thanks for the well wishes. practising to meet you in-laws next year new year? XD joking!
glad we're on the same page. :p
thanks for tagging peeps! :D
wo jiao wo daddy sue ni ah.
HAHA, cute. I know. that's CLAIRE's line, FYI. she's a genius that girl. :D
dearest LGS, please wake up. get well soon. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed youuuuu.
cuz I want NOBODY, NOBODY. but YOU!
Monday, June 22, 2009
- ha. I'll make you sweat.
- haha. I'll make you cry.
- hahaha. I'll make you beg.
- hahahaha. I'll make you scream.
- hahahahaha. I'll make you cripple.
- hahahahahaha. I'll make you wanna die.
- damn, I'm out of ideas. nehmind.

sigh, kids these days. LOL.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE MIN HO! :) you're super.
now to an 'important' *rolls eyes* matter.
haha, that girl. I'll make her sweat tomorrow.
who's one's better? hahaha. this lame crap.
for those who tagged. thanks alot!
tiffany :
thanks alot! :)
aw, so mature! haha.
sureee there are. and about the kelly thingy, LOL righttt? haha.
helloooo! :) thanksss. hahaha.
clarine THE COPYCAT:
CLARINE LIM SZE TIEN. I must remind you. I'm not competition. buttt, if you think that way then heads up. you're fighting for him with manymanymany other girls and maybe guys, ew, around the WORLD. and you're jealous of me? andandand, I doubt he'll come to singapore. so dear, save yourself the heartache. hahahaha. whoa. long reply.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
- 2 extra weeks, please!
- MR S. your're mine.
- FIRST CLASS, I kinda miss you.
- black cats are lucky in japan.
- mona lisa doesn't have any eyebrows.
- one of Popeye's nephew's name's POOPeye.
- porcupines can float on water.
see? pink IS true evilllll. haha.
I've gotten crazier. clarine and audrey told me about july's issue of TEENAGE the other time. and went to buy it. I've never done that. you should know, I'm not a magazine-person. sighhh.
oh well, at least everytime mom enters my room, she'll be happy. cuz the BOF poster is plastered on my room door. she can swoon all she wants in front of my door. O.O
I was reading the issue when I stumbled on something weirdly familliar.
Hi Kelly, I am 13 and I have been reading your column for as long as I can remember. -skipping to main point- I have a crush on a secondary 4 guy in school. He is in my CCA and I do so want to talk to him.
dejavu much?
ah who cares. you're long gone la deyyy. :D
CHEERIO friends!
haru haru. :D
Saturday, June 20, 2009
- haha, OM.
- prettypretty.
- odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
- elephants can't jump.
- diet coke was invented in 1982.
- children grow faster in spring.
- flora by gucci.
teehee. giggling myself crazy right now. yup, I know, weird. giggling and afrah just can't match.
- replay.
- fight the bad feeling.
- dying to live again.
- haru haru.
- forever or never.
- too many words.
- rah, going crazy all over again.
changed skin.
if you wanna go to my links, click on BLAB! then click on CHEERIO! then click on BLAB! twice. :)
did some thinking, alot actually. then I realised. if you think you know me, hell, you've never been so wrong. cuz one can only know so much about another.
Monday, June 15, 2009
- punch your face.
- smell my foot.
- go away.
- you evil toot.
- haha! it rhymes.
- you just don't get it.
- what's life without risks?
stargazing is totally awesome. AND I GOT TO SEE SATURN! THE RING AND EVERYTHING! hahaha.
I must have been lucky. it was pouring before I reached science centre. if I were to arrive sooner, I wouldn't be able to see miracles.
I got to see saturn, and the JEWEL BOX. it's this amazing cluster of beautiful stars just scattered in the sky.

yep, that's the
jewel box, the cluster of stars in the middle. believe it or not, I saw all of
THAT. beautiful, no? :D
First Class people just called. not sure if I should go. but thinking back, I'd feel kinda guilty if I don't go. those people are working. and they're in need of people. sigh.
oh well, bedtime. SANA course in the morning.
Signed out at 12:14:00 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
- that girl.
- everyday she wakes up.
- finding herself hungry.
- then, fatigue runs through her.
- she could be.
- NO! not THAT!
- hmm, you'll never know.
oh good lord, what is up with this insane heat. uh-oh, GLOBAL WARMING! I think the heat's gone up to my brain, BOILING MY INSIDES! yep, definitely.
anyhoo, today shall be a fruitful day. chores shall be done. homework shall be completed. a haircut will be executed. a visit to the hospital. a trip to science centre. and SATURN will be sighted!
yep, going to science centre today for STARGAZING. it's gonna be totally rocking. and if I'm lucky, I may be able to spot saturn.

it's so pretty. SATURN, here I come.
news is out. adam lambert's gay. sigh. oh well, at least he sings well. rock on adam!
haha, saw edwin goh the other time. smiled at him, he smiled back. OH, HOW CAN I CONTINUE LIVING! -.-
newsflash, I'm not edwingoh-crazy alright. ALRIGHT?! LOL.
alright, donedone.
I just realised something, you're only a part-time lover.
Signed out at 11:04:00 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009
- afternoon naps are so cool.
- the abalone.
- mom's wallpaper's lee min ho.
- dad's laptop's slow.
- angel of death!
- oh afrah, you're such a sadist.
yep, just do it barney. you're starting to freak me out with your love songs. HAHA.
one week down the drain. last week was a train ride, trust me. one of the most tiring weeks on the face of the EARTH. still tired, I am.
First Class was super cool, though it was kinda draggy? haha. a good experience. shanice who plays cathy, and charlene who plays nic, are nice girls! the boys, go read a dictionary. haha, it'll help alot.
edwin goh from fighting spiders was there too, so if you're a fan, go watch First Class Season 2!
leisure camp was fun. I'm starting to like LOLLIPOPS more and more. ouh! and MOON TANNING too! hahaha.
New Moon's official trailer's out. I'm totally hyperventilating. gahhhhhhhhhhhh. hurry up with the movie CHRIS WEITZ! or I'll go down to hollywood and bite you. HAHA.
oh well, uploading photos to facebook. later! :)