Friday, August 28, 2009
- VICTORY, isn't ours.
- yet, that is.
- she's the mass baby-eater.
- it's like seeing light for the first time.
- so many things.
- so little time.
- oh poop, just let me sleep.
haha, HOUSE is great.
anyhoo, 5 scripts have been returned, left with home e. & lit. marks to them are reasonable. shan't disclose further information yaaa? haha.
I keep having the impression that today was saturday mannn. hah, even if it were saturday, I still have school, jolly to be a sports leader yaaa! please, sense the sarcasm.
so yeah, I've got school tomorrow. good thing's cindy and mabel going too, or I'll gotta either blend in or isolate.
school today was about alright. had a fantastic snooze during the whole of recess. 30 minutes of almost paradise. hahaha.
went to the drug bus thingy after recess, super fun. it was like SANA, but everything mashed into a tight bus. the drawers were hilarious. few girls screamed when we opened the last drawer, call me sadist, whatever. :p
hahaha, they guy said I had nice teeth, thank you uncley!
so we learnt alot from the bus, even that clarine is an evil pruney old man.
this might not be true but just in case, DO NOT EAT THE CUCUMBERS IN YOUR FOOD. for further details please approach any of the 2D girls. hahaha.
after school, NP had our area games day, held at sengkang sec. so we walked there, the whole unit, disrupting traffic. haha. reached, the 2A peeps kept chanting SATISFACTION, SATISFACTORY & SATISFY. little twirps.
got into our respective game groups and headed to the areas. I was put into tug-of-war, which was oddly fun. haha. I spent, to the least, 15 minutes chatting with my junior, rachel while waiting for the competition to finally start.
so the tugging BEGAN! after much waiting. LOL. sir zhenhui gathered us and started the STRATEGIC planning. the first round was a breezzeee. watched the other schools, especially punggol and SJC, which were the most competitive ones.
jolene told me that J was there! hahaha, and lucky me, I saw him, many times. teehee. thing is, I didn't feel the kick. maybe cuz wing was there. not again afrah, please. hahaha.
bryan said that I looked COMPLETELY relaxed while tugging. while others had their game face on, I had my sleep face on. good or not, up to you ya.
round after round, we conquered. oh, just let me boast a little. apologies if you're offended. :D
sir zhenhui and maam yingfang continued guiding us, pointing out what we desperately needed to do to clinch gold. they're great laaaa. some seniorsenior maam person bought us drinks, but since i'm fasting, I had to reject. ouh.
so, we kinda dominated. and at the last round, the fight was on between NCHS & SJC.
NCHS vs. SJC. THE SLAMDOWN. or the pull-hard, whichever you choose.
we huddled together, did one of those team building thingys and got ready.
sir zhenhui to the front, followed by richard, myself, rachel, weiqi and lyman as anchor. it felt like war. hahaha. we pulled, and pulled. tugged, and tugged. and all of a sudden, the whistle rang. I looked up, and we won.
WAHAHAHAHA. good game uh SJC, you girls can rock it. seriously. kudos to SJC tuggers.
anyhoo, went over to the captain's ball event. felt super shagged then. hahaha. game over, didn't know what happened at all. LOL.
went up to the hall for the results. NCHS was super enthu, loved it though. hahaha, congrats to SJC for being THE overall champion. :D
walked to compass for dinner with audrey, dionis, weiqi, yisheng, hanloong and keith. buttt, audrey couldn't join us, aw.
KFC was packed, god knows why we continued dining there. I HAD TO WAIT IN LINE FOR A TICKING HALF AN HOUR, or so. like boo you man.
all in all, it was a fun dinner. hahaha.
85-ed home.
post-exams, don't you just loveeeeeee them? :D
indian, indian boy, boy, boy!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
- there won't be anymore.
- he killed her.
- your fingers are all pruny.
- cuz you drowned her.
- don't make me do this.
- trust me, I will.
- you there, get the body.
hahaha, please don't mind the 7 random stuff up there. I just feel oddly sadistic today. heeee.
had a dental appointment at 1. so I left school at 12.30. hahaha. what bliss.
CTs start on friday!
oh tom, I'm getting lame.
CHEERIO friends! :D
will you marry me?
Monday, August 17, 2009
- another day.
- variety spirit!
- longlonglong.
- word by word.
- i'll remember.
- maybe not.
- he's hair's blue. ew.
hello world! fresh after a loooooooooonglonglong break.
haaa, what a frenzy, these days have been. seriously.
butttt, what's a BETTER way to laugh your way out of stress, than 2 DAYS 1 NIGHT?!

clarine and jeri'll get a crack out of THIS. LEE SEUNGGI!!!
nay-she! hahaha.
trust me, if you have
KBS, channel
173, watch this show. please. just, watch it. hahaha.
ANYHOO, thanks a bunch to those who CARED to tag. means alot to meeee. :D
CHEERIO friends!
what would my mama do?
Signed out at 12:08:00 PM