Sunday, September 13, 2009
- alright.
- wrap it up.
- NOW!
- it's a prank.
- you dumb butt.
- hello, again.
please do. hahaha.
ANYHOO, this shall be a blog break post.
exactly a month to EOYs. please come sooner. ;D
so, I won't be posting for LONG time.
14 Sept - 22 October.
even so, the tags, I want them. so keep them coming! :D
for a longlong time
Signed out at 12:41:00 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
- bobbing like a bobble head.
- hahahahaha, the wires are,
- be careful!
- DON'T!
- trip.
- whoops, too late.
I'll be shooting myself in the head, if I don't calm down.
ALLKPOP, rocks. I don't care what you say, but if you go over board, I'll take his gun, and you'll never except what'll come next. trust me, this is no joke. :D
I've posted a few things from ALLKPOP on my facebook wall, check them out.
BUTT, I got madly insane when I saw this.
click! to find out more. but, the headings good enough. :D
ANYHOO, shall get back to work ya! :D
CHEERIO! friends! :D
I gotta feeling!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
- work you fools, work!
- first born.
- korea, sparkling.
- taking them back, I will.
- no mr quek.
- I'm not YODA.

hahaha, look at his nose, reminds me of an old friend. :D
mr quek thinks I'm YODA. great.
ANYHOO. I just realised that I look super evil in a few photos.
oh whatever. :D
haha, thank chew. :D
hey now, haha, it's not like we'll never see each other again right? miss you a ton too! :D
well, whatever the matter, he still tagged. unlike SOME people. hahaha.
PLEASE! no more, no more. it's about joon again right? :D KIM JOON! LEE MIN HO! LEE SEUNGGI! ._.
thanks for the tags! :D
touch my hand.
Monday, September 7, 2009
- what hurts the most.
- silent typing.
- wee hours of the day.
- deaths dreams, freaky.
- had them before?
- well, I did.
- go away, please.
zoop, and another term, down the white bowl. or golden, for CERTAIN kim bums. LOL.
I think clarine's weird dreams stuff is contagious. first, they attacked janelle, then yuhan, then jeri. now ME.
butt, mine are no where near strange, they're just straight-out eerie. oh well, maybe that's the reason I can't sleep tonight. :D
anyhoo, the funfair on saturday was great.
2D, the whole lot of you. you guys did a fabulous job. though the roster wasn't followed, UNIMAGINABLE 2D initiative was taken. I'm utterly impressed you guys. kudos. :D
open your heart to love.
Friday, September 4, 2009
- sit and listen.
- used to be.
- go sleep!
- now it's over.
- makes no sense.
- it means haptic.
- just do it.
hahahahaha, I'll be seriously flipping if it happened to me. LOL!
planning just reeks. it's the mega stinker. tomorrow, I'll be drowsy, you'll see a bald patch, right SMACK! in the middle of my head and it'll seem as though I got punched. teeeeeeeraaaaaah.
remember to visit 2D's stall on saturday for SATAY! :D
stay away.
Signed out at 12:18:00 AM